"Blessed is the one whose transgression is forgiven, who sin is covered.
Blessed is the man against whom the Lord counts no inquity,"
During one of my spring breaks while in college I took a road trip with two of my buddies to the Outer Banks of North Carolina for a surf trip. Just a few days into the trip I decided that I wanted a new surf board. I didn't have the funds to purchase a new surf board. The trip I was on had been paid for by my parents so that I could get away for a little bit. My dad had given me his Mastercard to use in case of emergencies. Something inside of me was able to somehow justify a new surfboard as an emergency. So I spent 650.00 on my dad's card to pick up my new board and board bag and a few accessories. It was a sweet board. It had the WRV symbol and fire and flames emblazoned all over it. I can't possibly tell you what I was thinking when I handed the cashier my dad's GM Gold Card. I honestly don't remember how I could have been so foolish. I didn't have permission to purchase this board. I didn't have the cash to purchase the board. I was on a trip that had been paid for by my parents out of the goodness of their hearts and love for me. Why not abuse their grace?
I can't remember if I told my dad that I purchased the board or if he had to confront me. But when he did find out we set up a payment plan so that could pay my debt back. The problem was that I had other debts from other foolish spending. I was sporadic with repayment to say the least. I was able to pay the debt down by a few dollars every month. My dad should have taken the money out of my hide. He could have thrown me out of the house. He could have made me work the debt off. He could have made me earn what I had spent plus interest. He could have held that fact over my head that I had abused his trust and the gift of an expense paid vacation. But he didn't do any of this. Instead, he forgave me.
My dad didn't just forgive me in spirit. He paid for my debt. One day he gave me a card. When I opened the card I saw a few hand written words which simply said,
"From the man in whose house you are livin'
Do not fear, thy debt is forgiven!"
I don't think I was able to fully register what my dad was saying upon reading these words. If I am honest, I probably had forgotten that I owed my dad the money because I had other debts that were pressing. When I realized what my dad had done, the weight of my own sin against him weighed down on me. But when I looked up my dad was smiling - I knew I had been given a great gift.
My dad was telling me that he had me covered. I didn't deserve to be covered, but because of his great love for me he covered me. My dad never again spoke of the debt. He never asked me to "remember that time." He simply didn't count what had been owed to him.
Our sin against God is much greater - infinitely greater. We do our very best to diminish our sin. We say that our sin is not greater than our neighbor. We compare ourselves to cruel men and women throughout history and think that we stand up pretty well and that God will simply overlook our sins because we just aren't that evil. But we are sinful. We are full of evil intent and action and yet God offers to not count our iniquity and sin against us. He has covered us by the blood of Jesus Christ. What does God ask of us? To confess our sins, repent of our sins, and trust that He will not hold them against us because we have been bought with a price by His grace.
When we try to hide our sin, manage our sin, excuse our sin or pay for our sin on our own we end up wasting away. We cannot be our own savior. The Psalmist knew this when he wrote, "For when I kept silent, my bones wasted away." Don't waste away. Don't allow sin to tear you up from the inside out. Don't allow sin to crush you. Jesus has crushed your sin.
The Psalmist writes, "I acknowledged my sin to you, and I did not cover my iniquity; I said, 'I will confess my transgressions to the Lord,' and you forgave the iniquity of my sin." There is nothing you have done, said, or thought that God is not able to forgive. I want to encourage you not to live under the religious burden of trying to fix yourself. We owe a great debt and yet God has offered to pay that debt. When you first read the words of the Psalmist, that God has you covered, you may not realize the amazing depth of God's grace. But look to God, His greatness, His holiness, His transcendence and you will see just how great His gift of forgiveness is.
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