"An infinite God can give all of Himself to each of His children. He does not distribute Himself that each may have a part, but to each one He gives all of Himself as fully as if there were no others." A. W. Tozer
There is only so much of me to go around. There is only so much of you to go around. You cannot be a perfect friend. You cannot be a perfect mom. You cannot be a perfect father. You cannot perform your job with perfection.
This is not so with God. God is infinite in his power, wisdom, holiness, justice, goodness and truth. You cannot stop God. You cannot hide from God - the world has died trying. God is not like a father who only has so much time and energy to give to each of his children. Because God is infinite, each of His children receive all of God. Isn't this good news? How many times have you begged for the attention of others and leave with only misery, hurt or disappointment? God neither asks you to beg for His affection nor does He leave you in misery. He pursues us and gives us all that He is.
Today there will not be enough hours in the day to do all that you would like to do. Eventually your body will give in to sleep and you will need rest. Today you will fail again. You will not be able to spend as much time with your kids that you would like. You will not be able to fulfill your commitment that you made with every intention of coming through. Things will be left unsaid. Tasks will be left incomplete.
There is one promise that I can make and keep. About four times a year we hold a membership class at our church for prospective members. There is one promise that I make and keep in each of those classes - I will fail. I will miss an appointment. I will be late. I will do my best and it won't be enough. I will not be there when I should be. I will say stupid things from the pulpit that only I have to live with for any length of time. I will cause some to leave the church. I am not Jesus and I promise to fail, not to have enough, not to have the answer, not to have the right thing to say. But I also promise that I will do everything I can under grace and by a work of the Holy Spirit to point every person to Christ Jesus who is infinite in his glory, power, grace, forgiveness and love.
Just like God, because he is God, Jesus gave all of himself. He did not tithe his blood. He did not pour out a portion of his blood. He did not bring a partial redemption. He didn't make promises he couldn't keep. The reason he did not fail is because he is fully God and fully man. Jesus does not ask us to do the best job we can and that he will meet us half way. He asks us to come to the end of ourselves and to rest all that we are, all that we have done and all of our hopes and dreams in him. When we come to the end of ourselves we begin to see just how infinite God is and that He has given us all of Him.
Jesus did not leave anything undone. He did not leave things unsaid. In his final breath Jesus declared that all was finished on our behalf. Now, as a result of the finished work of Christ, and the infinite nature of God, each person who comes to faith in Jesus gets all of God and their work will be and is completed in Jesus. Who are you resting in today? Your finite ability or the infinite God of the Universe who has promised all of Himself to you?
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